So I said I would post about my filming experience for a local college in Dublin!
Well, I was filming for two days and the idea of my character, Beth, was that she was a patient at the Bethlam Asylum, but there is something very strange and disturbed about her character when it comes to the new Doctor....
But most importantly.. is she real?!
Anyway, enough mind boggling! Here's what went down! x
As it was a student film there was nothing fancy as everyone was kinda learning on the spot! (not from scratch or anything but in general, problems would arise and they would need to be dealt with, and so forth!..)
I arrived at 11am at Hatch Hall in Dublin, which was once, I believe, a school, but it is now used as a refugee for Asylum seekers. It's a beautiful building with great corridors and hard wood floors, just a wonderful space. My scenes were with one other actor, and they took place in a very dark large room, which was brilliant! Although the room was in fact 80% windows which all had to be laboriously blacked out with cardboard and bin bags! I changed into my costume and sat while I got my make up done (the make-up would gradually intensify as my scenes progressed and my character became more violent)
We shot from about 12 until 4 and then I was set free until the following day when my call time was a nice 10am! The second day was more intense, as there was a lot of physical action in the two scenes that we were filming, and at this stage my hair and make up were extremely intense, and crazy! (no pun intended), it was amazing fun working with the crew and the other actor, as i hurled myself at him, more than enough times and collapsed on the floor in a 'mauling' fit, ready to rip his skin off! ha!
I had amazing fun! and I think every little helps! So the experience was definitely worth it, and to meet such a lovely team of students who may well become the future of this industry is just fantastic! x
So thanks for reading! Here are some photographs from the set!

Day 1! Level 1 crazy, make up gets more intense later!

The director, Ellie and I have some fun on set!
Sean was the actor I was working opposite, playing Doctor Monroe.. and of course theres me looking bat-shit crazy and like i've just gone and rolled myself in some mud!
What you looking at!?
The crew on set!
my lovely bedroom is transformed from a dark solitude into a new room! Woohoo!
Oh and finally, 'suffer for your art'... I finally learned the true meaning of that phrase!
(from scampering around on my knees in the physical scene! Sigh.. no dresses for me for a while then!)
I promise to post a link or upload a link to youtube when I get the final result of the filming!
Thanks for reading!!
Peach out!