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Thursday, August 23, 2012

Total Recall

So I was lucky enough to get two tickets to the Total Recall Premier in Dublin!! Oh the stars looked absolutely wonderful!

We were given the opportunity to walk the red carpet or just sneak in. Of course there was a big part of me that wanted to walk the red carpet but I didn't want to be the one that nobody knows and is just walking the red carpet because she can. When I walk the red carpet I want to do it as a known and recognised actor not some shmo...

Anyway! we were escorted in and asked to take our seats as the stars arrived. It was very cool. Once we were all seated the lovely celebs (Colin Farrell, Jessica Biel, Kate Beckinsale and her husband Len Wiseman) came down to the front of the cinema to talk a bit about the film and say that you all for coming. And then.. they left. So that was all the exciting hollywood glamour about the event!!!!

But the movie was really great. It was action packed and extremely well interpreted from the original script, with just a few in jokes (not nearly as much as I would have liked). There's a really specific sequence in it that really reminded me of Naughty Dog's UNCHARTED... ha!

So all in all it was an extremely fabulous event! I was so excited to see Kate and Jessica! Stars that I totally admire and aspire to be as successful as! i couldn't get any nice pictures so I'll  just rob some here off the internet from the papers!!!

Oh so fabulous!!!

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